IT SURE DOES 'LOOK' DIFFERENT! I have version 7.000 on another laptop that I only use for bikes up to 2014, and the difference in the graphics etc etc is huge I have kept that version specifically, A) because I can, and B) it does not HAVE to be updated all the time, it requests it but does not force it. Stage 1's to stage 4 kits However my tuning mates in the states reckon for them it's all over red Rover. Screamin' Eagle Pro Super Tuner Version 10.001 is working fine for me so far, I have used it on several bikes now with no dramas. If you have a specific question fire away and we can nut it out, some of what you read does happen, sometimes it does not, too many topics to try and cover in one hit but the truth is out there. Yes you can still download the software from the HD website, the new version 10 is a bit different to the previous versions in looks and they have added a few bits here and there to simplify the use of it for the average user.

Hilly, you seem to be tuning with the above tuner, what are your thoughts? The software works fine with the Screamin Eagle Pro SUPER Tuner VCI's, I believe the new Screamin Eagle Pro STREET Tuner VCI has less functionality, I think some of the confusion comes from the fact that both VCI's share the same acronym, ie SEPST, so if you have the Pro Super Tuner you are fine, for now. I have spoken to a couple of dealers regarding the SE Super Tuner Pro, and what are there thoughts for the future, and they just look at you, and carry on like fuckwits.