1.26E 6 Helmholtz Coils Magnetic Field Calculation
1.26E 6 Helmholtz Coils Magnetic Field Calculation

1.26E 6 Helmholtz Coils Magnetic Field Calculation 1.26E 6 Helmholtz Coils Magnetic Field Calculation

It is managed to obtain the best value for B_0 through the standard deviation as the uncertainty in a single measurement with 70% confidence. The comparison of the experimental and the theoretical logarithmic graphs allows the determination of the turns of wire, N of the hypothetical single coil. For Experiment I, the graph of B vs x is obtained alongside with the logarithmic graph of B vs the square of x. The entire experiment is conducted via a simulator software provided. Each coil carries an equal electric current in the same direction. Both solenoids are separated by a distance, d. It consists of two solenoids that are parallel to each other on the same axis. Helmholtz coil is a device that produces a region of a nearly uniform magnetic field. The objectives of the experiment are to determine the magnetic field along the horizontal x-axis that passes through the centre of a single solenoid coil, and to determine the magnetic field along the horizontal x-axis that passes through the centre of the Helmholtz coil.

1.26E 6 Helmholtz Coils Magnetic Field Calculation